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♥ Christabel Yap

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A little love I had for you remains. Whatever it meant to be disappeared, should just go away. And now, all I wanted is actually his little attention to me. Just a small little attention will do, show me that i am important to you.

Layout made by tkh. Removing any credit is shunned upon. Please keep credits intact, only dummies would remove them. You aren't a dummy right?


Title: Afterlife
Characters: POV
Genre: Drama
Author: christabel yap
Disclaimer: I own the story and nothing more than that. Characters are original. Any name that happened to be the same are pure coincidence.
Summary:   Footsteps could be heard approaching. 1,2,3.

I crouched up inside my apartment. It has been a year since I have been living inside here.

The only thing that accompanied me this entire year was the green grass outside my house and the occasional weak cries and innocent laughter that I could hear along the corridor. I always look at those figures that pass by my doorsteps and how envious I am of my neighbors. I roamed around the neighborhood and when it rains, all I could do was to hide under the shelter of the apartment that I stayed in.

Footsteps could be heard approaching. 1,2,3. 

That familiar footsteps. I rushed over to the front of my apartment and the familiar figure stood there.The figure stopped in front of my apartment, before he sweep off the little dust that got formed. He placed his hand on the front before he lowered his head.

The figure's mouth moved slightly, but yet the words did not come out - as though something got stuck in his throat, and his words are just running through his mind. My vision started to get blurry before I climbed out of the house to get around his back and frighten him. Those steps that I took started to get heavy. I smiled slightly, as I stared at his back. The strong and define back that I missed - this nostalgic feeling overwhelmed me.

Slowly, his hand lowered down and he took a step back from my front. The cold wind started to blew by, as it picked up the autumn leaves lingering around the ground along with it. He sighed, before little puffs formed in front of his breathe.

"Ah girl, daddy miss you. How is your life down there?"

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© Layout made by tkh/mk. Removing any credit is shunned upon. Please keep credits intact by christabel yap