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♥ Christabel Yap

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A little love I had for you remains. Whatever it meant to be disappeared, should just go away. And now, all I wanted is actually his little attention to me. Just a small little attention will do, show me that i am important to you.

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  Thoughts: Generation Y

I am born in 1994- known as the Generation Y to most of the people out there. Let me prove my stand that I do not intend to change anybody’s perspective on my generation and I am just stating what I feel about these articles.
 Recently was reading online when I saw on an article on Generation Y and I thought that I should point out a few points on what I feel about my generation based on the research and the observation I saw within my group of friends. 

1.         When it comes to money, we are very concern.
At young age of 21, we have started to save money for future uses. Be it for family, friends, relationship or even studies. I have started to pay for my own expenses ever since I graduated from polytechnic, which in fact I believe most of the students out there are the same. Not talking about those that went university.

From what I know, most of my friends that graduated from polytechnic decided to work full time in the working industry before finding out the desired university degree that they want.

Everything is increasing in Singapore, unlike our parents’ generation. From housing to car to even bills (water, electricity, gas, transport) are all increasing. Living expenses and standard of living in Singapore is upgrading as our generation moves forward. We can only scrimp and save. Earning money is more than important because without money- how can we even support ourself?

2.         Time is precious
We hate wasting time. To us, time is precious. Every single minute counts. Time is money, which leads us to the first point of ‘Money’.

Even waiting for the train and that the train is late for one minute makes us frustrated. The living standard is progressing each year and so is technology. We expect a certain level of effiency from the transport thus making us a minute longer makes us annoyed- and what does that lead?


And when I say complaints, I don’t mean complaints to the management but rather something most of us always uses- social media.

3.         Relationship vs Career
Most of my friends are single and not attached. Some can even be around 25 and still single. I always asked them if they do intend to get married and their answer are always standard, “My focus is career right now” Teenagers nowadays are always forward looking thus they don’t feel a need to have a relationship as career is more important to them.

Relationship is just secondary. To them, even if without a partner they can seem to live on their own, so why add the burden of having another person beside you and end up having to pay double of literally everything?  

Ladies are also having late marriage as work is never ending, so as time goes by and we continue working- it takes a lot of time and effort and thus this leads to people having no time to spare to build a family. If they want to build a family- they need time. Where can or how can they find time when all their times are dedicated to work- sometimes even weekend?

How is your stand of Generation Y? Are Generation Y as what outside claimed low savings generation or do you have yet another perspective on us?

Tell me about it!


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© Layout made by tkh/mk. Removing any credit is shunned upon. Please keep credits intact by christabel yap